Please let us know
Published on November 24, 2016 By Neil Banfield In WindowBlinds

If you have compatibility issues with WindowBlinds and an application or game, please do let us know in this thread so we can investigate it and hopefully resolve the problem.

Please make sure you are running the latest version of WindowBlinds first and that the problem exists with a theme included with WindowBlinds vs a downloaded one. 

Please provide as much detail as you can, screenshots of the problem, information on the application itself, how to reproduce the problem and if possible dmp files from any crashes. 

The information on the about WindowBlinds page and information on your setup would be helpful too.


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on Feb 19, 2022

Having trouble skinning VLC version 3.0.16

This is opening up a new VLC instance clicking on open folder or any other media the resolution of the new window is like this crazy small

New instance of VLC

If I however have VLC open and i reapply the skin it is normal

VLC open and re-skinned

on Feb 19, 2022

Yeah, I excluded VLC a long time ago. Not necessarily for this particular reason but I forget why.

Cool folder icons BTW. Are those made with an app or did you download and apply them all manually?

on Mar 10, 2022

Another one for Macrium Reflect ... affects the latest version

Latest version of WB, skin is Dark mode by Vad_M

No text visible on any of the buttons in various dialogs - see row of buttons along bottom of shot below

Current workaround is to unload WB when working inside Reflect ...



on Mar 10, 2022

OK - an easier fix - exclude Reflect form WB skinning and use Reflect dark theme - solved

on Mar 12, 2022


Yeah, I excluded VLC a long time ago. Not necessarily for this particular reason but I forget why.

Cool folder icons BTW. Are those made with an app or did you download and apply them all manually?

I created alot of the movie and tv show folders myself but most are downloaded I manually changed them

All my icons are all windows 7 icons which I used 7tsp to change them

Anyway to get VLC to skin properly without having to reload

on Mar 12, 2022

If you like and have any ideas for folders you'd like me to create or want some of the folders I've created I probably can in my spare time I have a program I use to layer out different parts of each folder and then I convert it to an .ico

on Mar 13, 2022

What I don't like is that you always have a part of the background on your screenshots (if you do a window with alt+print). I first thought it was Windows 10 until I figured out it was Window Blinds.

on May 21, 2022


Yeah, I excluded VLC a long time ago. Not necessarily for this particular reason but I forget why.

Cool folder icons BTW. Are those made with an app or did you download and apply them all manually?

Is there any word on how to fix this?

I have a 4k monitor and at 3840x2160 or 4096x2160 resolution VlC and anything for that matter everything is horribly small. At 1920x1080 things are a bit better but still small


on May 21, 2022

its not just VLC that has a problem with 4k resolution using BetterAero7x everything does VLC is just the worst

on May 21, 2022

Someone on Reddit mentioned that "150% dpi" isn't supported  yet:

Can you edit the skin to increase the text size? I think making the GUI elements bigger too is too difficult and sadly I doubt the creator will either.

EDIT: Sorry, I read your earlier post and I can see that this is a bug. If I feel like it, I might test this skin myself as I'm getting a little bored of my current setup. I'm not a dev BTW so I can't comment on any fixes to WB.

on May 21, 2022

I've looked into editing the skin but I don't know where to start with tackling it not very familiar yet with skin editing

on May 27, 2022

This is opening up a new VLC instance clicking on open folder or any other media the resolution of the new window is like this crazy small

New instance of VLC

So I'm checking out this skin too now (very recent update posted BTW) and I'm not getting this but I am having (and always have had) your problem with VLC's main window not skinning correctly on the bottom and sides. In fact mine is worse and I guess I've always had this problem hence why I've always had it ignored by WB.

I AM getting tiny icons elsewhere though with that skin, on Start10 for example. Some of the selections' icons on the right of the Start Menu are the correct size but folder icons are tiny, like the lowest possible size i.e. even smaller than in Explorer on Small Icons mode.

I'm going to leave a comment on the DA page about this but I feel it's not a skin problem but Stardock one so don't hold your breath!

on Jun 01, 2022

Oh lovely, well for now I at least have it set to 1080p and I have VLC skinned with eXperience and it's skinned better

Not perfect the icons are better but the font is small

It's tolerable thanks for looking into it for me. 

on Jul 02, 2022

I use the web browser Vivaldi.  Basically, this browser doesn't skin at all.   Thank you for looking into it.

on Jul 18, 2022

I cannot make an application specific skin change to Sierra Charts 64-bit exe.  I can change the skin when I apply the skin globally, but nothing happens when I specify the skin (e.g. ICE) using a Per Application link to the executable and restarting WindowBlinds according to the documentation.  The application does not use Direct3D but clicking that option doesn't change the skin of the application anyway.  Other users for Sierra Chart have experienced this issue as well (  I purchased WindowBlinds specifically for Sierra Chart.  Please help.

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