Please let us know
Published on November 24, 2016 By Neil Banfield In WindowBlinds

If you have compatibility issues with WindowBlinds and an application or game, please do let us know in this thread so we can investigate it and hopefully resolve the problem.

Please make sure you are running the latest version of WindowBlinds first and that the problem exists with a theme included with WindowBlinds vs a downloaded one. 

Please provide as much detail as you can, screenshots of the problem, information on the application itself, how to reproduce the problem and if possible dmp files from any crashes. 

The information on the about WindowBlinds page and information on your setup would be helpful too.


Comments (Page 5)
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on Jan 19, 2018

I got issues with several apps, most notably ones using node webkit and the Lazarus IDE (latter of which makes Lazarus completely unusable since it makes component palette window glitchy making development imposible)

As I move mouse around, it really glitches out, like a broken NES game. I'm using Windows 3.11 theme to remind myself that the laptop I'm using it on is a piece of...

on Jan 31, 2018

May I kindly ask if these issues are going to be looked at? Thank you very much.

on Feb 21, 2018

Just to let you know that the newest version of TortoiseGit appears to render properly with Windows Blinds now.

on Mar 10, 2018

Scratch that, any application I build with Lazarus is incompatible with WB, same stuff as shown in the screenshot above happens. I'd like if you could look into that, please.

on Apr 25, 2018

Will there be a fix for MKVToolNix?

I reported this problem some time ago about how the window smears out when resizing the program.

on Apr 25, 2018


Will there be a fix for MKVToolNix? I reported this problem some time ago about how the window smears out when resizing the program.

Exactly same problem with qBittorrent.

on May 05, 2018

We have an issue with Steam, the drop shadows from the main Steam app and all sub windows are now corrupt using any skin other Windows 10 default.  I am using the latest versions of Steam and WindowBlinds 10.


on May 18, 2018

Hi i now no longer use window blinds at all windows 1803 will not even run it at all along with start 10 (i am running windows 10 pro 64 bit)

on Jun 05, 2018

Is there an alternative to WindowsBlinds? One that is being supported because this software clearly is not any more.

on Jun 05, 2018


Is there an alternative to WindowsBlinds? One that is being supported because this software clearly is not any more.

WindowBlinds IS being supported.

We are working on an update.

on Jun 05, 2018

OK, but all my emails over the months have not been replied to.

It has been half a year that Visual Studio has not worked.

Now I have difficulties with HelpNDoc and wanting the background disabled. I tried excluding the app from being skinned and doesn't work.

Then there is my original issue of bold dates on calendars that was originally fixed but now in themes doesn't show anymore.

on Jun 05, 2018


OK, but all my emails over the months have not been replied to.

It has been half a year that Visual Studio has not worked.

Now I have difficulties with HelpNDoc and wanting the background disabled. I tried excluding the app from being skinned and doesn't work.

Then there is my original issue of bold dates on calendars that was originally fixed but now in themes doesn't show anymore.

You cannot exclude an application from system wide colour scheme changes.  I am afraid that is how Windows works.

As for the others, the VS issue is proving very troublesome to track down.

We do not offer email support anymore, it is forum only so you will not get any replies to emails.

on Jun 05, 2018

> You cannot exclude an application from system wide colour scheme changes.  I am afraid that is how Windows works.

Then why do you have an option "exclude from skinning"?

I am using Dark Realm (Light) and the main issue I have there is that the background is not whiter for the canvas area.

on Jun 05, 2018


> You cannot exclude an application from system wide colour scheme changes.  I am afraid that is how Windows works.

Then why do you have an option "exclude from skinning"?

I am using Dark Realm (Light) and the main issue I have there is that the background is not whiter for the canvas area.

You can exclude an application from a skin, but system wide colours are by definition system wide.  They are the old colour scheme that Windows since before Windows 3 has had.

Every single application will use the same set.

You can modify the skin so that colour isn't as dark as a solution.

on Jun 05, 2018

When I unload windows blinds, the canvas background in HelpNDoc is white.

So you are telling me that even though you can tell it to not skin a application, it will still skin some of it because like it or not the base colours (of the skin) have replaced the defaults? Yet, we can tell it to use a certain skin and the choice is there for no skin.

It is frustrating that I have to keep unloading WindowsBlinds when it gets in the way of certain applications and then I have to load it backup again.

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