Please let us know
Published on November 24, 2016 By Neil Banfield In WindowBlinds

If you have compatibility issues with WindowBlinds and an application or game, please do let us know in this thread so we can investigate it and hopefully resolve the problem.

Please make sure you are running the latest version of WindowBlinds first and that the problem exists with a theme included with WindowBlinds vs a downloaded one. 

Please provide as much detail as you can, screenshots of the problem, information on the application itself, how to reproduce the problem and if possible dmp files from any crashes. 

The information on the about WindowBlinds page and information on your setup would be helpful too.


Comments (Page 7)
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on Jul 23, 2018

First off- My avatar- I know, I know but I can't change it ATM so please bear with me for the time being.

Regarding WindowFX- I seem to recall having similar problems but I was REALLY keen on having my windows burn up when they close (just like Compiz does) so I persevered. I discovered, at the time- around a few months ago, that the trial version of the software available for download is v6.02 whereas the latest registered version is v6.03. Once I'd updated to that version my troubles went away but for some reason the previous version is only available to demo. That might have been rectified since then but I can't tell without downloading and installing which I don't want to do. I do know however that a very similar headache to what you're experiencing cisco that I had for a while went away once I upgraded. I expect this is quite off-putting for all new users!

P.S. AzDude, you might consider moving these posts to a new thread now the topic is diverging somewhat!

on Jul 23, 2018

Thanks for your reply and help. I am on that version also 6.03. It's still the same problem. I figured updating and purchasing would fix it. But sadly it did not thanks again much appreciated.😀

on Jul 23, 2018

Back on topic now...

First off- My avatar- I know, I know but I can't change it ATM so please bear with me for the time being.

  1. Paint.NET doesn't like the new version of WindowBlinds. It hangs when attempting to save a file. I imagine it's something to do with alpha blending but that's just a novice guess.
  2. To fix Firefox--a long-standing problem--somewhat (keep an eye out for another thread I intend to write up soon in regards to general rendering issues since the Windows 10 April 2018 / Spring Creators Update) please follow this guide. A simple fix which won't work for Thunderbird (which uses Mozilla's same graphics routines) because it doesn't have a Title Bar button in its options menu! Thunderbird can be skinned but to press the max, min and close buttons you have to waggle the mouse pointer around over the button when clicking. Very frustrating.
on Jul 23, 2018

Oh, wait! I remember a bit more now. I had a problem with an item in Explorer's context menu (right click menu) which was causing things to hang. It was Comodo Backup's fault and once I'd uninstalled that app the problem went away; assuming this is the same problem of course (it was a while ago now!) You may have another app causing a similar problem? I completely forgot about that but, now I think about it, that's another thing you might want to consider tackling.

on Jul 23, 2018

Thank you I will try that. I'll let you know after what happens. Thanks again!


Well tried the uninstall programs method. But no go the problem remains. I do appreciate your advice though. 

on Jul 27, 2018

Hey there guys I just wanted to give you a quick update on my problem. It has been solved the file Explorer window now works. The problem was a program called System Transparency. Once removed everything works as it should. Thanks again for all your help.

on Jul 28, 2018

This one by Prisoner7 he made when he was 14?

Yeah, I can see how that would cause problems! WindowFX can do transparency itself so it's likely the two apps would clash. Right click on an app's taskbar for the transparency options.

on Jul 29, 2018

Thank you will try it out.

on Aug 03, 2018

Windowsblinds still trigers anti cheat engine on Fortnite folks

on Aug 03, 2018

I gotta say this is really disappointing, Stardock could have easily patched this right now.  The only justification is that there just aren't enough customers to justify it.  Plain out Window Blinds 10 works like crap in WIndows 10.  Is Brad aware of this?

on Aug 03, 2018

I think that's a little unfair if you ask me. Windowblinds is working better than it ever has I would say--I had versions 4 & 5 back on XP--and I have very little incompatibility with apps these days so far. As the flagship app for Stardock I think it's a very good piece of software, as it should be.

The problem I mentioned earlier with the recent large Windows 10 update I resolved by simply reloading the Style and Mozilla's software must just be coded in a particular way that is difficult to work around but again, with only a little tweaking even those work too.

I was unaware of Fortnite but the problem mentioned makes sense. Code has been injected into the process (which is also how cheat engines work) so Windowblinds can draw a different window border for it but seeing as it's a video game, it runs full-screen anyway. The additional stuff is just being detected falsely as malicious. Isn't the problem fixed if Fortnite's executable is added the ignore list?

on Aug 03, 2018

Lol. Unfair? I literally have to disable it from every major piece of software I run on my rig.  How is it unfair to find that poor?

on Aug 03, 2018

I suppose you have a point, in that modern apps built with whatever it is that gives them that "Metro" flat look are either entirely ignored by Windowblinds or aren't quite entirely skinned properly with it but my point was that, in terms of stability, Windowblinds is a lot better now. I guess I'm more forgiving and I tend to spend more time with older software anyway. It's ironic that the Object Desktop Manager is even built this way (and so isn't skinned by WB either!)

I tried a couple of the apps you mentioned and Chrome runs fine but yes, the title bar doesn't skin properly. It's still completely functional though. I had no trouble with Nox either but you won't see WindowBlinds even touching that one. Is that really a big deal though? I haven't tried any others as my computer is quite old so I know for sure that OBS won't run well for me for example.

I have the same problem with Steam but it runs fine. And while restoring the window size messes things up, I can drag the window out so I can't see the funny edges any more.

I think I just must be more forgiving as I don't have apps crash (except Paint.NET so far) with WB these days, which did used to happen more often back in the day. I love the look of my computer running Stardock software and I think things I used to run years ago still compliment Windows 10 nicely nowadays.

on Aug 04, 2018


Chrome runs fine but yes, the title bar doesn't skin properly

Not sure you were looking for help with that, but anyway replies 4 or 6 here should take care of it:


on Aug 04, 2018

Ah, good to know. Thanks Dave!

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