Please let us know
Published on November 24, 2016 By Neil Banfield In WindowBlinds

If you have compatibility issues with WindowBlinds and an application or game, please do let us know in this thread so we can investigate it and hopefully resolve the problem.

Please make sure you are running the latest version of WindowBlinds first and that the problem exists with a theme included with WindowBlinds vs a downloaded one. 

Please provide as much detail as you can, screenshots of the problem, information on the application itself, how to reproduce the problem and if possible dmp files from any crashes. 

The information on the about WindowBlinds page and information on your setup would be helpful too.


Comments (Page 8)
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on Aug 05, 2018

Quick question ... long time user of Fences, new user of all the rest of the products... 


Installed windows blinds ... works great... but not on a few apps (like Chrome, my mail client, etc.) ... it is like those apps do not take the skinning... 

Tried to do a "separate skin" for just Chrome (and force it to take the skin), but it just doesn't work (regular windows look).

Thoughts or ideas?



on Aug 05, 2018

For Chrome, look back two messages ago... You missed that didn't you!

What e-mail client are you using?

on Aug 05, 2018

Yep ... missed it ... and it works with Chrome now. Thx!

For e-mail client - EM Client is the one that I am using... 


on Aug 21, 2018


My reply seems to have disappeared. Toolbar drop down menus are non-responsive in Brackets (Adobe software). Windows 7 x68. All software up to date. Original WindowsBlinds theme.

on Aug 22, 2018

Another one- I've noticed that in Edge, the website preview show/hide button isn't showing at all for some reason and it's impossible to add Edge to the exclude list as far as I can make out (due the way it runs). You can still switch full previews on and off with a registry change although I won't be posting any links to where you can find them as I'll probably be told off for doing so! They're not hard to find.

on Aug 22, 2018

I'm reverting to previous version because my start bar buttons are blanked out with this BETA build.



on Sep 12, 2018


Street Fighter V arcade edition don't work when windowsblind is active 

When I disactive windowsblind SF5 work perfectly i can't add a exception because there are two exe with the same name StreetFighterV.exe in different folders 

When you add one you can't add the other exe because they have the same name 


Is there a whitelist where you can add manually the way oh exe ?


on Sep 12, 2018



Street Fighter V arcade edition don't work when windowsblind is active 

When I disactive windowsblind SF5 work perfectly i can't add a exception because there are two exe with the same name StreetFighterV.exe in different folders 

When you add one you can't add the other exe because they have the same name 


Is there a whitelist where you can add manually the way oh exe ?



I have forwarded your problem to Stardock Support team for their assistance. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates. We appreciate your feedback and patience.



Stardock Community Assistant.

on Sep 18, 2018

Timeline feature  in Windows 10  is disabled when Blinds are running, and only works when Blinds are uninstalled

The uninstaller also affects Start 10 until reboot !

on Sep 18, 2018


Timeline feature  in Windows 10  is disabled when Blinds are running, and only works when Blinds are uninstalled

The uninstaller also affects Start 10 until reboot !



Sorry to hear you are having issues.

Can you start a new thread for your issues, please.


Stardock Community Assistant

on Sep 20, 2018

I am COMPLETELY FEDUP. Star Dock stated that Visual Studio had a fix several months ago. I have been very patient. It still crashes on it and I have to go through the whole process of shutting blinds down.


Why on earth is this issue not resolved now and an update released?


Thank you.

on Sep 20, 2018

I agree, the updating of a severely buggy product being announced and never happening is unacceptable especially from Stardock who's reputation is built on these products.  I have uninstalled WB, and will not be renewing my OD license ever again.  If there were any sort of team or priority associated to this it would have been resolved ten times over by now.

on Sep 21, 2018

I agree on that the speed of solving bugs is very slow but I'm happy as long as it get's fixed eventualy so

on Sep 27, 2018

I'm also having the issue with shadows on Steam. There's also a similar issue with the Wallpaper Engine client when I use any WindowBlinds theme. It looks like this:

on Oct 21, 2018

Black ops 4 crashes on the start up cut scene most of the time, or as i'm loading into a game while i have windowblinds on.

Adding blackops4.exe to the exclusion list doesn't fix the issue either, only disabling windowblinds prevents the crashes.

This happens on WB 10.73 BETA too.

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